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Dry stone

Since 2015, we've been building dry-stone retaining walls with all kinds of Stone, Granite, Morraine, Schist, Limestone and Sandstone.
We travel all over France.

Mur soutènement routier pierre sèche -  schiste - Cévennes - Gard.jpg
Pierre Sèche - 07340 Saint Désirat - Ardeche Pierre seche.jpg
Mur de soutènement - Ardeche Pierre seche.jpg


An age-old construction method that has proved its robustness in every corner of the world, the strength of the dry-stone wall lies in its drainage capacity.

A dry-stone wall consists of skilfully cut and assembled local stones, with a 25% gap between them, making this construction a massive, long-lasting drain that redistributes water to the land after slowing it down.

Their strength and longevity as retaining walls is unrivalled.

Trained and qualified at the École professionnelle de la Pierre sèche in 2014, self-employed builder since 2015, member and signatory of the Charte qualité des Artisans Bâtisseurs en Pierres Sèches, I am committed to working with passion, respecting the rules of the Art of a craft recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of Humanity.

Anything is possible with dry stone: staircases, calades, caselles, vaults, spirals, bridges, retaining walls, enclosure walls, artistic creations...

Some achievements

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